Choral Text for January 26
Take our lives, and let us be consecrated, Lord, to you.
Take our moments and our days;
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take our hands and let them move at the impulse of your love.
Take our feet; make our steps sure,
Swift, and beautiful for you.
Take our voices, and let us sing
Always only for our King.
Take our lips; let us speak truth,
Filled with messages from you.
Take our minds, that you may use
Every power as you would choose.
Take our hearts, they are your own.
They shall be your royal throne.
Take our love, O Lord, we pour
At your feet its treasure store.
Let our love flow in ceaseless praise.
--Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879); adapted by J. Shippey
Lead gently, Lord, and slow,
For oh, my steps are weak,
And ever as I go,
Some soothing sentence speak;
That I may turn my face
Through doubts obscurity
Towards thine abiding place,
E’en tho’ I cannot see.
For lo, the way is dark;
Through mist and cloud I grope,
Save for that fitful spark,
The little flame of hope.
Lead gently, Lord, and slow,
For fear that I may fall,
I know not where to go,
Unless I hear Thy call.
My fainting soul doth yearn,
For thy green hills afar
So let thy mercy burn
My greater guiding star!
--Paul Laurence Dunbar