Accordingly, we proclaim a thoughtful Christianity. You don’t have to check your brain at the door when you enter. We are theologically diverse, finding in our diversity an immense strength. Everyone is welcome at Westminster. We believe we are called into God's good world, to grow in relationships with our neighbors and serve those in our community and throughout our world.
We serve a hospitable God, who created space for us and is open to us in relationship. In response, we are called to welcome and celebrate all whom we encounter. We are better for the diversity among us, and always strive to be a truly welcoming community.
We are made in the image of God. Just as God has been abundantly generous with us, we are created to be generous with one another and with our neighbors. Generosity at Westminster means giving of our time, talents, and treasures.
From the prophets through the life of Jesus, we see God at work re-ordering the world toward a more just society. In response to God's work, we seek to become a more just people, working against structures that dehumanize our neighbors or ignore God's creation.
The imagination of God is always deeper, broader, and more wondrous than we can understand. Or own imagination — in our preaching and worship, our ministries, and our life in the world — is inspired and animated by God's great imagination.
Joy is the sure sign of the presence of God. We rejoice in the God whose abundance spills over into our own lives, and who is present in all of our living. In worship we join together joyfully, giving thanks for the gift of life and for God's abiding presence.
Our History
On Mother’s Day, 1947, in order to meet the needs of the rapidly growing Augusta Road area, twenty-three “missionaries” from the First Presbyterian Church in Greenville congregated under a tent pitched on the southeast corner of the present church property. It was Westminster’s first service of worship. We have gathered every Sunday since.
As membership increased, Westminster’s expanded its facilities. The first church building was erected in 1947, followed by the church school addition in 1956. In November 1962, the construction of the present sanctuary began. Since that time, the church building has accommodated gradual growth until 2004, when a focus on the future resulted in a doubling of the size of the facility, including a new fellowship hall and expanded education wing. In 2008, Westminster embarked on the completion of a twenty-five year master plan which resulted in expanding the sanctuary, while also improving the fellowship, meeting, and administrative areas of the church.
Throughout its existence, Westminster has reached out in service to the community. The first home of Meals on Wheels was in Westminster’s kitchen for more than twenty years. Ten percent of the funds raised in the last three building campaigns have been used to support community and international programs such as The Pleasant Valley Connection, the Embangweni Mission Hospital in Malawi, Africa, the United Ministries Adult Learning Center, affordable housing for the mentally ill on Arlington Avenue, Montreat Conference Center, and Princeton Theological Seminary.
With a membership of over 2,100, Westminster continues to strive to meet the spiritual, educational, and physical needs of its members, as well as the surrounding community.
Pastors & Staff
The staff of Westminster Presbyterian Church works together to provide worship, fellowship, and service opportunities to members and visitors.

Ben Dorr

Leigh Stuckey

Mary Kathleen Duncan

Lauren Slingerland

Nick Carson

Terri Price

Cara Puntch

Marlon Hurst

Michelle Little

Wendy Bagley

Lynn Bennett

Candi Lay

Anna Hanor

Caroline Blouin

Aly Friend

Hunter Smith

Diana Dailey-Mattison

Steve Phillips