WPCYG: Serving Grades 6-12
Welcome! Whoever you are, wherever you come from, however you found us, we are glad you are here. There are several aspects of our Youth Ministry Program (WPCYG) here at Westminster. One is Sunday night youth group during the school year. We gather most Sunday nights for fellowship, study, and service. Another is trips. We go on a Middler and Sr. High Witness and Service trip each June and take Sr. Highs to the Montreat Youth Conference in July. Middlers attend the Foothills Presbytery Youth Retreat each fall, and the Sr. Highs alternate between a service weekend in the upstate and a trip to Universal Studios each winter. We also kick off a new year of youth group each August with our back-to-school retreat at Look Up Lodge.
We have Sunday morning educational opportunities through Middler Hangout Time and Sunday Servants, Sr. High WestConnect, and Confirmation.
We also have fellowship opportunities throughout the summer and faith milestones throughout the seven years a youth might be a part of WPCYG.

"Standard" Schedule:
Sunday Nights:
- 5:00p Middler Youth Group
- 5:15p Sr. High Choir
- 6:00p Combined Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
- 6:30p Sr. High Youth Group
- 6:30p Middler Choir
Faith Milestones

Faith milestones are age-specific experiences for certain subsects in WPCYG. They are meant to mark the start of something new in the life of faith, the culmination of something long anticipated and hoped for, or prepare youth for the future.
- 6th – Sixth Grade Day
- 8th – Eighth Grade Relationships Bible Study
- 9th – Confirmation
- 10/11th – College Workshop
- 12th – Youth Sunday Leadership
Middle School

Sunday Morning Hangouts and Sunday Servants
10a in the Entrance Pavilion
Two Sundays a month, our Middlers are invited to hang out in the Entrance Pavilion and enjoy self-guided devotions and free time in the gym. This time will be supported by parent volunteers who will serve as an adult presence. Sundays this fall are 9/8, 9/22, 10/6, 10/20, 11/10, 11/24, and 12/8.
On Sunday mornings when we don’t have formal plans for our youth, they are invited to hang out in the Friendship Court, Library, or Atrium. Check out some books, bring your homework, or enjoy catching up with friends. We always love to see youth in worship at either 9 or 11:15a!
Middler Youth Group
Our Middler program serves grades 6-8 and provides opportunities to grow in the faith of Christ and build upon all the wonderful Bible knowledge gained in the elementary years. All Middlers are invited to join us in the Youth Suite at 5p each Sunday for youth group followed by dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 6p. Those who wish are encouraged to stay for Middler Choir in the Choir Room at 6:30p.

Senior Highs

Sunday School: 10a Select Sundays
in Room 310
Sr. Highs are invited to participate in fall and spring WestConnect groups that meet for six weeks at a time during the Sunday School hour. You can sign up on our events page.
Youth Group
Our Senior High program serves youth grades 9-12 and provides opportunities to take faith in Christ to a deeper understanding, theologically rich conversations, fun activities, and meaningful Bible studies. On Sunday nights we invite you to ask questions, wrestle with your faith, and open your hearts and minds to how God will move in your life. Youth Group, led by Mary Kathleen Duncan and a group of Youth Advisors, begins at 6:30p in the Youth Suite. This follows dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 6p and optional Sr. High Choir at 5:15p.

Confirmation Class
Confirmation is the most important faith milestone of WPCYG. It is when those who were baptized as youth or children claim faith in Christ for their own. Those yet to be baptized are also welcome to join this class and be baptized and confirmed at the same time. Youth in 9th Grade are invited to a special Sunday School class during each spring semester. Through Confirmation, youth will examine their faith and the history and theology of the Presbyterian Church. Upon completion of the class, they are invited to become full members of Westminster. Meetings will be held in Room 309. Confirmation Sunday is the second Sunday in May.
To request more information or to sign up, contact Mary Kathleen Duncan, Associate Pastor for Youth and their Families.
How Else Can Youth Get Involved?
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir provides opportunities to sing our faith, lead in worship, and engage in fellowship. Led by Marlon Hurst, Director of Music, the choir meets weekly.
"Standard" Sunday Schedule:
5:15p: Senior High Choir
6:30p: Middler Choir
Open to youth ages 6th – 12th grades. The league plays from the beginning of November until the first of February. Practices vary during the week. Games are held on Saturday mornings and Monday evenings. All youth are invited to participate. Signups open in September/ October each year.
Westminster’s one-of-a-kind church library offers a wide range of secular and theological materials, from Bibles to bestselling Young Adult novels. To browse the library catalog, click here.