
All are welcome at Westminster Presbyterian Church!  Westminster is committed to being a hospitable congregation full of imagination and joy, rooted in pursuits of justice, and committed to generosity.  If you are considering joining this church family, please find details about upcoming new member classes below, let us know your interest, and help us get to know you.

New Member Sunday Timeline
9:00a - informational meeting with pastors
10:55a - joint meeting with church leadership (elders) and prospective new members
11:15a - worship service and introduction of new members to congregation
12:15p - welcome reception
12:45p - campus tour (optional)

*Attending a new member class is required for membership at WPC.  Childcare is available upon request.

Interested in learning more about our next new member class?  Fill out the online form below or click here to download a PDF of the form and email it to the church office at wendy@wpc-online.org.