Whether Adult Education, Bible Studies, Food, or Fellowship, we have a place for you!

At WPC, we encourage you to both deepen your understanding of God's word and to engage with other adults. On Sunday mornings during the program year we offer lecture and discussion style classes. Throughout the year we offer other opportunities to learn or simply to engage with one another. Read on to learn more!


Sunday School

This class will meet at 10a on Sundays, March 23 - April 27 (except Easter Sunday).

Women of Westminster

Women of Westminster seeks to connect women of all ages to the people and work of the church, to enhance their spiritual lives, and to provide opportunities for service and education.

Since the early 1800s, organizations of Presbyterian Women have supported missions, fought social injustices, and worked for peace around the world. Presbyterian Women (PW) is an independent organization within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) of more than 300,000 women. Westminster is proud to be a part of the Presbyterian Women organization.

Would you like to be connected to the happenings of the Women of Westminster? Click here to receive email notifications.

Women of Westminster Circle Groups:

Circle 3: Dee Malone, Leader
Circle 6: Sherry Tate & Liz Einstein, Leaders
Circle 7: Gaye Sprague, Contact

Look for information about Circle meetings in the Harbinger. All women are welcome to join a Circle and to join us at Women of Westminster events!

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Men of Westminster

The Men’s Group provides opportunities for friendships, mutual support, mission opportunities, and fun. All men in the church are invited and encouraged to attend.

Age & Stage Groups

We offer opportunities for fellowship among age-and-stage groups. For more information, contact

  • Young Adults: Elizabeth Timmons
  • The Flock (40s & 50s): ?
  • Lightly Seasoned (50s & above): Paul Grier

Adult Interest Groups

Looking For Mission Opportunities?



Westminster offers its congregation world class and up-to-date collection and volunteer assistance to help all members of the church family:

  • Further their own faith development,
  • Develop skills as Christian educators and parents,
  • Become more effective within their families and community,
  • More effectively live out their faith as leaders within the congregation and community,
  • Find comfort and nurture during life’s transitions.

Resources for pre-schoolers through senior adults include books, magazines, audiovisual materials (DVDs and CDs), and computer files as well as many Internet links to book reviews, study guides, online-only publications, audios, and videos. Audio recordings of selected adult Sunday School classes may be borrowed on CD. The collection currently includes approximately 4,000 items.

The library’s “OPALS” catalog can be searched from anywhere with an Internet connection and a browser (Firefox or Chrome are preferred). Watch the Home Page for highlighted features such as topical bibliographies, “face-out bookshelves” of seasonal materials, recommended Internet sites, and even the daily weather report! Check the New Items page for all new titles added during the past 365 days. Look for Starred ratings and user comments about individual titles – and even add your own evaluations!

Didn’t find what you need? One click on the “Foothills Presbytery” tab will check the catalog for that library. Located on Woodruff Road near Simpsonville, this collection also loans to members of our church family. Ask a library volunteer for more information or email the library.

Heritage Lecture Series

The Heritage Lecture Series is a long-standing tradition of Westminster’s which seeks to expand the religious horizons of our community by inviting world-class lecturers to teach and preach one Sunday per year.

Previous Lecturers Include: