Faith Thrives in Service
We believe that worship should drive us to service and that being active in our community and world is a critical component of our Christian calling.
Whether at home or abroad, Westminster seeks to grow our relationships and serve our siblings in faith through congregational, local, regional, and international Witness & Service opportunities.
Our World
Serving God's Kingdom
Whether it be international mission trips, supporting denominational organizations, or sustaining worldwide ministries that work to bring light and life into the world, Westminster is dedicated to God's creation beyond our four walls.
Our Community
We believe that mission starts at home, and are dedicated to building up God’s kingdom here in Greenville and throughout the Southeast. Members and friends of WPC are encouraged to serve our community in the following areas:
PCUSA Organizations
Wesminster proudly supports the following denominational organizations:

Our Church
Life begins here, both in worship and throughout the week.
We offer a number of ways to get involved more deeply in service to our church. Members can serve through worship, music, membership, and education ministries.
Worship gives focus to life and ministry at Westminster
Through worship we seek to know Christ more fully and better understand the meaning of Christ’s work in our lives. During the program year we offer two worship services, one at 9a and one at 11:15a. Services are also streamed on our YouTube channel and right here on our website. From the first Sunday in May through Labor Day we offer one service at 10a.
A nursery is available for children four years and younger. Children K5 through 1st grade begin worship in the Sanctuary. Prior to the sermon they are invited to Children’s Church with one of the pastors.
We also offer regular visitations and communion for our elderly and shut-in members.
You are also invited to join us for Sunday School at 10a (September-May) or fellowship and donuts following the summer service.
Uniting the congregation in worship and song
Everyone is welcome as we recognize the importance of broad participation by all ages within our congregation, from preschool children to adults. Choirs and ensembles are available for all experience levels. Contact Marlon Hurst to learn more.
Community Life
Membership at Westminster seeks to deepen connections: to God, to one another, and to those around us.
Programs include organizing congregation-wide social and seasonal events, ministering to members in times of crisis, serving with age-specific groups to build fellowship, welcoming new members, and helping them find a special place within Westminster Presbyterian. For more information, please fill out our Connection Card.